Top Recommendations, Sorted by Number of Recommendations:

This page provides some detail on the 49 authors recommended by at least 3 of the 19 "if you like" lists. The authors are sorted by number of recommendations, and the information provided includes what they've written, whether or not these books are in print, and brief comments on what I thought about the books (for those that I've read). An alterate page lists the same information but with the list sorted alphabetically by author's last name.

Thirteen recommendations - Sparkle Hayter - According to her website, she has written 5 books, all in the Robin Hudson series; the first is What's a Girl Gotta Do, 1994, which is in print according to (all 5 are), and 2 non-series books. I read What's a Girl Gotta Do and liked it.

Eleven recommendations each -

Ten recommendations - Marne Davis Kellogg - According According to, she has written 1 romantic suspense non-series book (Insatiable, 2001, in print according to 5 books in the Lilly Bennett series, the first of which is Bad Manners, 1995, out-of-print according to, and 2 books in the Kick Keswick series beginning with Brilliant, 2003, in print according to

Eight recommendations each -

Seven recommendations each -

Six recommendations each -

Five recommendations each -

Four recommendations each -

Three recommendations each -

Created 2/17/2002. Author listings last modified 9/29/2002. Books by authors last updated 4/9/2005. Notes on what I've read last updated 1/13/2007.

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