Statistics About the Recommendations:

Here I provide some statistics about the recommendation lists.

Number of Recommendations Each Author Received

The 19 different "If you like" lists recommended a total of 174 authors. Of these, 102 (59%) only appear on one list, 23 (13%) appear on two lists, and 49 (28%) appear on three or more lists -- what I've classified as a "top recommendation."

Number of Recommendations Made Per List

The lists varied in length: the shortest recommended only 3 authors, while the longest recommended 56. The average across the 19 lists was 24 authors per list. Another interesting thing is how many recommendations were unique to a particular list. Five lists had no unique recommendations. (I did check, though, and none of these lists are exact replicas of another list, they just contain a mix of authors that are all recommended on other lists.) At the other extreme, the list from source #11 contains all unique authors. On average, about a quarter of the authors on each list were unique recommendations, and three quarters were duplicate recommendations.

Created 2/17/2002, last modified 7/15/2005.

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