Resources for Preliminary/Comprehensive Exams in Sociology


School What's There
Arizona State University nothing
Baylor University, TX nothing
Boston College nothing
Boston University nothing
Bowling Green State University, OH nothing
Brandeis University, MA does have syllabi and book lists up for classes going back several years
Brigham Young University, UT nothing
Brown University, RI nothing
Case Western Reserve University, OH nothing
Colorado State University nothing
Columbia University, NY has a reading list - theory, urban, orgs, gender/fam, poli soc, culture, strat, histor/compar, methods; also an article list
Cornell University, NY nothing
CUNY-The Graduate Center nothing
Duke University, NC has past prelims and reading lists here for medical soc, compar/hist, strat, econ soc, pop stud, soc psych
Emory University, GA this page has links to lists in 5 areas (no fam or demog)
Florida International University nothing
Florida State University the web page with their reading lists is restricted access, I can't open it
Fordham University, NY nothing
Georgia Institute of Technology nothing
Georgia State University nothing
Harvard University, MA nothing
Howard University, DC nothing
Indiana University nothing
Iowa State University nothing
Johns Hopkins University, MD nothing
Kansas State University nothing
Kent State University, OH this page has reading lists has reading lists on 9 topics including family
Louisiana State University nothing
Loyola University Chicago nothing
Michigan State University nothing
Mississippi State University nothing
New School for Social Research, NY nothing
New York University nothing
North Carolina State University this page has past prelim exams in crim, family, 5 other areas
Northeastern University, MA nothing
Northwestern University, IL nothing
Ohio State University nothing
Oklahoma State University nothing
Pennsylvania State University nothing
Princeton University, NJ nothing
Purdue University, IN nothing
Rutgers University, NJ this page has syllabi for several years of graduate courses
South Dakota State University this page has a brief reading list and sample questions in demog, deviance, methods, theory, & social organization
Southern Illinois University-Carbondale this page has syllabi with reading lists for several years of past courses
Stanford University, CA nothing
SUNY-Albany nothing
SUNY-Binghamton nothing
SUNY-Buffalo nothing
SUNY-Stony Brook nothing
Syracuse University, NY nothing
Temple University, PA nothing
Texas A&M University nothing
Texas Women's University this page has past exams and reading lists for theory and methods
Tulane University, LA has a list of the 51 most influential books, not sorted by topic and not actually aimed at prelims
University of Akron, OH this page has past exams and reading lists for theory and methods
University of Alabama-Birmingham nothing
University of Arizona has reading lists on 13 topics, but not family
University of California-Berkeley nothing
University of California-Davis nothing
University of California-Irvine no reading lists, but the SGSA helpful info page has a few personal accounts of preparing for prelims
University of California-Los Angeles nothing
University of California-Riverside nothing
University of California-San Diego nothing
University of California-San Francisco nothing
University of California-Santa Barbara nothing
University of California-Santa Cruz nothing
University of Central Florida nothing
University of Chicago nothing
University of Cincinnati this page (their student association?) has links to social organization books, a general booklist, and suggestions for annotating articles
University of Colorado-Boulder this page has links to reading lists for theory and methods, as well as past prelims (scroll down the page)
University of Connecticut nothing
University of Delaware nothing
University of Florida nothing
University of Georgia according to this page, reading lists will be available online "soon" (6/2007) in crim, culture, race/class/gender, soc psych, work/orgs
University of Hawaii-Manoa nothing
University of Illinois-Chicago nothing
University of Illinois-Urbana-Champaign nothing
University of Iowa nothing
University of Kansas nothing
University of Kentucky nothing
University of Maryland-College Park reading lists for comparative, demog, devel, gender/fam/work, military soc, soc psych, strat, theory
University of Massachusetts-Amherst nothing
University of Miami nothing
University of Michigan nothing
University of Minnesota nothing
University of Missouri-Columbia this page has "core reading lists" for culture/identity, institutions/social movements, control/deviance, theory/knowledge
University of Missouri-Kansas City nothing
University of Nebraska-Lincoln nothing
University of Nevada-Las Vegas nothing
University of New Hampshire nothing
University of New Mexico nothing
University of North Carolina-Chapel Hill this page has links to pages titled reading lists and exam questions, but they are password protected
University of North Texas nothing
University of Notre Dame has a reading list of important books, not aimed at prelims
University of Oklahoma nothing
University of Oregon nothing
University of Pennsylvania nothing
University of Pittsburgh nothing
University of South Carolina nothing
University of Southern California nothing
University of Tennessee-Knoxville nothing
University of Texas-Austin this page has past exams and reading lists for 12 areas including crim, demog, family
University of Virginia nothing
University of Utah nothing
University of Washington past exams page is password-protected and only available to current students
University of Wisconsin the library has a webpage with past prelim exams (often a dozen different from recent years) in 15 areas including family, demog/ecology, deviance, social psych
Utah State University nothing
Vanderbilt University, TN nothing
Virginia Tech University nothing
Washington State University nothing
Wayne State University, MI nothing
Western Michigan University this page has links to pages for the 7 core areas, some of which contain reading/resource lists for comps (crim, soc psych, no family or demog)
Yale University, CT nothing


see this link for some possible resources

another link

u of oregon also has a set of links that's interesting - not so much prelims as other stuff

another link - at u KY - see last section